July 29, 2010

because this is what it's all about

I have this problem where I don't really like to comment on blogs. I've been trying to change this habit with my friends' blogs, at least. If I catch myself thinking of something because of a friend's post, I now try to comment and tell them. But strangers' blogs? Uh-uh. I'm not really into the whole "make friends with other bloggers you've never met except through the internet." I have nothing against it, it's just really hard for me to feel like I have any right to say anything to someone I don't know. 

Especially if I disagree with them. 

I have no desire to point out people's flaws to them. That seems so ridiculous. I don't know how other people get so riled up about a blog post and feel like they have to tell the author they are the worst, most evil person to walk the planet. Same goes for Twitter. Sure I read things on the internet that I don't agree with/offends me but I just stop reading, I don't need to make the author miserable! People are people, people. Everyone thinks differently and it's totally ok. And everyone has feelings that should not be hurt, no matter what else is going on. 

This is why I kind of hope that my blog is never widely read because with large readership comes negativity and readers who insist on telling you all the things they hate about you. I don't know if I could take that. So those of you who are reading this, thanks for always being positive or, not saying anything.

Besides the whole negativity thing, I read a lot of blogs. And if I were to comment on all of them, it would take me all day. I realize that if I ever wanted my blog or etsy shop to be big, I would probably need to A. step up the quality and B. network by commenting. But the idea is so daunting that I think I'd rather just take a nap. Forget the internet! I'll just read exclusively books.

Still, yesterday I had an a-typical experience (for me). I stumbled across a blog many months ago because the author had posted her baby's beautiful nursery. I had copious amounts of nursery envy and so I started reading her blog. Yesterday she wrote a post answering readers' questions and one of them was about her faith. She wrote a beautiful and honest post about what she believed in and what aspects of religion she struggled with. She's a strong Christian and obviously I really related with her on that. And the things she struggles with really touched my heart. So what did I do? I commented! Can you believe it? On a stranger's blog. I told her that I was grateful for her honesty and her openness. I told her I feel similarly about Christ, that He is our Savior and Redeemer. And then, I told her what I believed. That God gives us trials for our good and that He loves us. And that we should never doubt that love even if we don't understand why we are suffering so greatly at a given time. I directed her to this talk given by Elder Holland about what we can learn from Liberty Jail. I bore my testimony. I gave her my email address so she could contact me if she wanted. And I told her that I just wanted to share something that maybe could make her happy, but even if she wasn't interested, I appreciated her faith.

It was a long comment. 

Even if I never comment on another blog again and even if no one reads that comment that came from my heart, I felt such love from my Heavenly Father as I re-learned what I was trying to share with her. It was totally worth putting myself out there, even if someone emails me about how much they hate what I wrote. Because sharing the joy I feel from the gospel of Jesus Christ is more important than anything else. So if you didn't know what I believe in before, I hope you do now, too. And if it makes you angry, that's ok. To me, the internet is all about sharing. So I'm going to keep sharing the good


July 19, 2010

the hunt

The joy of shopping at thrift stores was driven home to me this weekend. Look at the loot I brought home!
Polaroid camera $4 (not sure if it works yet)
Globe $10
Vintage paintings in charming frames $3 each
Electric typewriter $10 (I think it works although I haven't tested it) (post edit: it works! all except the d key but I think d is an unnecessary member of the alphabet)
Glass bottle $6 
With a trip to Lowe's and a little epoxy glue the bottle became this:
Here's my new desktop that I'm absolutely in love with:
Seriously, how do people part with this stuff? The lady ringing me up told me to "enjoy my treasures." Done.


July 16, 2010

how to avoid malaria

This canopy is what I made for my little sister's birthday yesterday. I figure she has about point two years until she grows out of it, but it was pretty easy to make so I'll forgive her if she takes it down and uses it to catch bugs for a science project. 


July 15, 2010

baby i'm the lucky one

Last night I was cleaning my house so my visiting teachers could come over and I wouldn't be ashamed. Before I was quite done (as in, I was completely ignoring the bedroom since I could just shut the door plus I hadn't vacuumed anywhere yet), I started moving furniture and decor around. Since they didn't end up coming at all, I never did vacuum the floor but I did do this:
I've been meaning to do a collage on this wall since we moved to our apartment, a year and a half ago. Don't you love the heating control box in the center? That was only installed a couple months ago, almost ruining my plans for a collage. Then I threw caution and design sense to the wind and did it anyway. Now, remember that I was hurrying to get this done in time for people to come over AND let's all be aware that my ceiling slants, the pipes slant, and let's just say the vent and control box were not installed with a level. Therefore, crookedness in this arrangement cannot possibly be blamed on me, right? Right. Although, looking at it right now, I'm having a hard time not running home this second to straighten it some more. Anyway, I think it could be awesome as soon as I live in a place where there are straight blank walls with high straight ceilings AND I get motivated enough to use a level.

I wish you could see the temperature reading on the box. It says 85 degrees. In my basement apartment. That has no AC. So yeah, I was very sweaty while I put this together. I don't recommend moving your furniture around in 85 degree heat if you can help it. Just a little tip.

This collage isn't done because when have I ever just finished a decor project and been done with it? I want to add pictures of our families, a picture of the temple, the Proclamation on the Family, and this print I found yesterday (for free! download here):
Here's the thing. I do actually think Sam and I are the luckiest people alive. When I say luckiest, I really mean blessed. So even though this print will be going on an extremely imperfect wall, it still rings true in every possible way. And there's your cheesy thought for the day.


July 11, 2010

mexico in the morning

We spent about an hour in Mexico one morning last week, just to say we had been. Here are some (fake) polaroids of what we saw.




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